Ιατρείο Αναστασία Γκότση

Αναστασία Γκότση Σακαλή

Ειδικός Παθολόγος

Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα
Γεννήθηκα και μεγάλωσα στη Θεσσαλονίκη.
Σπούδασα Ιατρική στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης μετά από εισαγωγή με Πανελλαδικές εξετάσεις.
Ολοκλήρωσα την υπηρεσία υπαίθρου στο Γενικό Νομαρχιακό Νοσοκομείο Πολυγύρου / Κέντρο Υγείας Αγίου Νικολάου Χαλκιδικής.
Ειδικεύτηκα στην Εσωτερική Παθολογία στη Β΄ Πανεπιστημιακή Κλινική του Ιπποκράτειου Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης
Από το 2016 διατηρώ ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στα Νέα Μουδανιά Χαλκιδικής.

Εργασίες - Συνέδρια

  1. A pure microcytic bladder carcinoma synchronous to prostatic adenocarcinoma. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, E Mylonaki, E Pantzaki, S Charalampous, V Rombis. Rare Tumours 2011;3(3): 95-97.
  2. Comparison of TVT, TVT-O/TOT and mini slings for the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence: 30 months follow up in 531 patients. S Charalampous, I Vouros, V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, G Salpiggidis, A Papathanasiou, V Rombis. Arch Ital Urol Androl 2012 Sep; 84(3):129-136.
  3. Pain point system scale (PPSS): A method of postoperative pain estimation in retrospective studies. A Gkotsi, D Petsas, V Sakalis, A Fotas, A Triantafyllidis, I Vouros, E Saridakis, G Salpiggidis, A Papathanasiou. J Pain Res 2012;5:503-510.
  4. Transurethral holmium laser intravesical tape excision following TVT procedure: Results from 7 patients in a 12month follow up. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Triantafyllidis, A Giouris, S Charalampous. Int Urogynecol J 2012;23(6): 769-77.
  5. Glans reconstruction using inverted urethral flap in penile cancer patients who undergo glansectomy or distal corporectomy under penile block. A feasible option in high-risk patients. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A,   Sfingas V, Vouros I, Fotas A, Salpingidis G, Papathanasiou A. Hellenic Urology 2015;27(2):55-60.
  1. Prostate controur extraction from TRUS Images and 3D model reconstruction. An automatic method. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A. Eur Urol         2009;8:615.
  2. Volumetry of prostate gland from TRUS images: An automatic method.            Sakalis V, Gkotsi A. Eur Urol 2009;8:615
  3. Is an early urinary and fecal diversion beneficial in patients presenting with   Fournier’s gangrene? Sakalis V, Gkotsi, A. Giouris A, Papadopoulos A, Kangas A, Kipouros A. Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10: 601.
  4. Preliminary results from the endocystic administration of hyaluronic acid in   female patients with recurrent lower urinary tract infections. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Giouris A,       Papadopoulos A, Kangas A, Kipouros A. Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10:588
  5. Correlation of 3D prostate model from TRUS images and histopathology       examination of radical prostatectomy specimen. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A,    Giouris A, Papadopoulos A, Kangas A, Kipouros A. Eur Urol Suppl 2011;10:593.
  6. Macroplastique and Botox is superior to macroplastique alone in neurogenic vesicoureteric reflux in patients with otherwise heatlhty bladder. Gkotsi A, Ieridis S, Davies M, Sakalis V. Abstracts from the 39th Congress of the Societe International d’Urologie, Athens, Greece, October 17-20, 2019. World J Urol 37, 21 (2019), doi:10.1007/s00345-019-02955-9.
  7. Sheet graft versus 1.5:1 Meshed grafts for neoglans reconstruction following glansectomy or distal corporectomy. Gkotsi A, Ieridis S, Zarkadoulias A, Sakalis V. Abstracts from the 39th Congress of the Societe International d’Urologie, Athens, Greece, October 17-20, 2019. World J Urol 37,  38 (2019), doi:10.1007/s00345-019-02955-9..
  8. Are bulking agents effective in neurogenic vesicoureteric reflux in spinal cord injury (SCI) population?A retrospective Analysis of macroplasique efficacy. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Davies M. Abstracts from the 39th Congress of the Societe International d’Urologie, Athens, Greece, October 17-20, 2019. World J Urol 37, 43 (2019), doi:10.1007/s00345-019-02955-9.
  9. Fine errors of bladder wall thickness measurement have a significant impact on the calculation of ultrasound estimated bladder weight. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Ierides S, Apostolidis A. Abstracts from the 39th Congress of the Societe International d’Urologie, Athens, Greece, October 17-20, 2019. World J Urol 37, 153 (2019), doi:10.1007/s00345-019-02955-9.
  1. Automatic Prostate Contour Extraction from TRUS Images and 3D Model Reconstruction. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, 6th Annual European Robotic Urology Symposium (ERUS ‘09), Padua, Italy, 23-25/09/2009.
  2. Automatic Volumetry of Prostate Gland from TRUS Images. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, 6th Annual European Robotic Urology Symposium (ERUS ‘09), Padua, Italy, 23-25/09/2009.
  3. Prostate Contour Extraction from TRUS Images and 3D Model Reconstruction: An Automatic Method. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, EAU 5th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Belgrade, Serbia, 9-10/10/2009.
  4. Volumetry of Prostate Gland from TRUS Images: An Automatic Method. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, EAU 5th South Eastern European Meeting (SEEM), Belgrade, Serbia, 9-10/10/2009.
  5. Fournier Gangrene: Is early diverting colostomy beneficial? V Sakalis, A  Giouris, A Papadopoulos, A Kipouros, A Kangas, A Gkotsi, T Sarikas, E  Kapetanelis, 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Urology (cURY), Athens, Greece, 25-28/02/2010.
  6. An Automatic method to determine prostate gland volume and the volume of regions of interest from TRUS images. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Kipouros, A Kangas, A Giouris, 3rd World Congress on Controversies in Urology (cURY), Athens, Greece, 25-28/02/2010.
  7. Correlation of 3D prostate model from TRUS images and histopathology examination of radical prostatectomy speciment. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Giouris, A Papadopoulos, A Kangas, A Kipouros, EAU 7th South Eastern Meeting (SEEM), Skopje, FYROM, 14-15/10/2011.
  8. Preliminary results from the endocystic administration of hyaluronic acid in female patients with recurrent lower urinary tract infections. V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Giouris, A Papadopoulos, A Kangas, A Kipouros, EAU 7th South Eastern Meeting (SEEM), Skopje, FYROM, 14-15/10/2011.
  9. Is an early urinary and fecal diversion beneficial in patients presenting with Fournier’s gangrene? V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Giouris, A Papadopoulos, A Kangas, A Kipouros, EAU 7th South Eastern Meeting (SEEM), Skopje, FYROM, 14-15/10/2011.
  10. Transurethral Holmium:YAG laser excision of an intravesically migrated tape following tension free vaginal tape (TVT). V Sakalis, A Gkotsi, A Trantafyllidis, S Charalampous, EAU ESFFU, Tubingen, Germany, 6-8/10/2011.
  11. Fine errors of bladder wall thickness measurement have a significant impact on the calculation of ultrasound estimated bladder weight. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Ierides S, Apostolidis A. Societe International d’Urologie (SIU) annual congress, 16-20/10/2019, Athens, Greece.
  12. Macroplastique and Botox is superior to macroplastique alone in    neurogenic vesicoureteric reflux in patients with otherwise heatlhty bladder. Gkotsi A, Ieridis S, Davies M, Sakalis V. Societe International d’Urologie (SIU) annual congress, 16-20/10/2019, Athens, Greece.
  13. Sheet graft versus 1.5:1 Meshed grafts for neoglans reconstruction following glansectomy or distal corporectomy. Gkotsi A, Ieridis S,  Zarkadoulias A, Sakalis V. Societe International d’Urologie (SIU) annual congress, 16-20/10/2019, Athens, Greece.
  14.  Are bulking agents effective in neurogenic vesicoureteric reflux in spinal cord injury (SCI) population?A retrospective Analysis of macroplasique efficacy. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Davies M. Societe International d’Urologie (SIU) annual congress, 16-20/10/2019, Athens, Greece.
  15. Videourodynamics (VUDS) for male LUTS assessment – Retrospective comparison of VUDS to pressure flow study. V Sakalis, S ierides, A Gkotsi, D Charpidou, A Zarkadoulias. 3rd European Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Meeting, 31/10/2019-02/11/2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
  16. Comparison of sheet versus 1.5:1 meshed grafts for neoglans reconstruction following glansectomy of glans resurfacing. Preliminary results of a randomized trial in patients with penile carcinoma. Gkotsi A, Ierides S, Zarkadoulias A, Chioti M, Sakalis V. EAU Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-24/03/2020.
  17. The effect of pharmacotherapy on prostate volume, prostate perfusion and PSA(Prostate Morphometric parameters) in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic obstruction (BPO)? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sakalis V, Gkotsi A, Guillamier S, Tsafrakidis P, Ieridis S, Zarkadoulias A, Charpidou D, Apostolidis A.  EAU Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-24/03/2020.

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